Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stop trying so hard, because when I breakdown there's no one to held me up here. 
I feel more worried than happiness.
We should just keep ourself busy as ever and start thinking of being loved once again.
I really tried even make you the first priority in everything i did. Rushing back to room just to call you; text you a msg before i sleep almost daily; any exciting thing happens making you the first person to know; Sending a card over, but you don't seems special of it. though im Overseas. I made actions to proof how much are you to me.
Alright, I will just wait till i'm back; knowing whether im the one. I will stop thinking so much from today.
Feel your heart, If we are meant to be together how hard or less we tried. We will.
Because action speaks louder than words.
Though there is ups and downs in life.
Will this part of what you have go through worth it. 
If it is, Wait for me to hold your hands. or else just go with your decision. 

no more close contact..
doesn't mean love fades..
if we miss eachother so much, we actually love eachother that much..
I said this to wake us up from any upset.